Yabit Alas

Dr. Yabit Alas received his MA in Linguistics at the University of Hawaii at Manoa and PhD in Malay Language and Linguistics at University Kebangsaan Malaysia. He is currently the Director of the Language Centre, University Brunei Darussalam and Deputy Lead of ICE. He has held key positions in the University including Head of the Malay Language and Linguistics, Director of the Continuing Education Centre, and Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. He set up and became the first director of the Borneo Studies Network (BSN) (2014-2016), whose interest is to enhance research on Borneo as well as to promote various research institutions in Borneo. His main area of expertise is Comparative Linguistics, specifically among Austronesian Languages. He has been researching mostly the Dusunic Languages spoken in North Borneo. He has also been doing research on Malay languages especially Standard Malay and its relevance to globalisation. He is directly involved in the planning and implementation of the Malay language in Brunei as well as in Malaysia and Indonesia, as a member of the Language Council of Brunei, Indonesia and Malaysia (Mabbim). He has published in Malay and English. Examples include his co-edited volumes in English: Reflections in Borneo Rivers: Essays in Honour of Professor James T. Collins: Book I, Reflections in Southeast Asian Seas, Essays in Honour of Professor James T. Collins: Book II, and International Migration in Southeast Asia: Continuities and Discontinuities. Several of his recent publications also cover ICT and education.